What happened last week @HOPR. We announced our new release: Monte Rosa.

03 Oct 2022, 12:01
What happened last week @HOPR? 🟡 We announced our new release: Monte Rosa. 🏔🇨🇭 🟡 We already onboarded the first node runners and things look very stable 🎉 🟡 A nerd thread on how we built Monte Rosa 🛠 🟡 We gave an update about a DAO promise from our 2nd experiment 🟡 We had an AMA with @AvadoCloud where we gave away 3 slots for our Network Registry 🟡 Our @SCBuergel was invited to the @epicenterbtc podcast where he talked about why privacy systems in crypto have such a hard time finding traction and many things more 🎧 🟡 Don’t miss out, get your ticket now! 🎟