The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that we're planning something big for the end of Staking Season 8.

03 Aug 2023, 15:01
The eagle-eyed amongst you will have spotted that we’re planning something big for the end of Staking Season 8 🤯 We’ll be sharing more as we get closer to release, but for now it’s important to know that node running is about to become more important than ever! There’s still a chance to get onto the network, but it’s important that you know that after Season 8 ends the minimum stake for accessing the network will increase to 10,000 HOPR tokens (plus a network registry NFT) In HOPR’s final form, stake and node quality are the main factors determining rewards, but we intend to make this transition as smooth as possible for our loyal community Although the minimum stake will be increasing, it will still be cheaper for existing members to access the network after Season 8. New node runners with no access NFT will face a significantly higher threshold More information on how to join the new waitlist will be released next week. For now, make sure you’ve transferred your stake into Season 8 (