It's time to upgrade HOPR governance. Last week HOPR token holders voted in our seventh governance experiment.

22 May 2023, 15:15
It’s time to upgrade HOPR governance. 🚀 Last week HOPR token holders voted in our seventh governance experiment. It was our best discussion yet, with the usual high participation we’ve come to expect from our community. 💛 It also marks the end of this series of experiments. 🛑 Over the past two years, the community have discussed, signed and voted on a diverse range of topics, from liquidity management to product design. And with each experiment we’ve learned a little more about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to reaching consensus and ensuring that every voice in the community gets a fair say in how HOPR is governed. 🤝 Over the next few months we’ll be evolving HOPR governance into a new system: one which is simultaneously a synthesis of everything we’ve done so far and a completely new approach to web3 governance. We’re extremely excited for you to join us on this next stage of our governance journey. 🥳 The rest of this week you can look forward to some high-level insights into why we’re making these changes and some of the ways in which the new HOPR governance will be the same and different.