It's time for your tri-weekly dose of DevUpdate. Let's see what our devs have been up to these last three weeks.

27 Jun 2023, 14:15
It’s time for your tri-weekly dose of DevUpdate! Let’s see what our devs have been up to these last three weeks. 🟡 Protocol & Payment Channel Improvements 🟡 To start off, we have an ongoing massive cleanse of the protocol and payment channel codebase with several key bug fixes and upgrades. This has already produced a marked improvement in performance and stability. 🟡 Introduce New Staging Environment 🟡 Next, we now use the Rotsee network as our new staging environment to improve the functionality of the faucet API. 🟡 Remove Depreciated Components 🟡 We removed several deprecated components to clean up the codebase, notably ones to do with Avado and the cover-traffic daemon. Note: this will not affect Avados run by community members, and is only in preparation for larger future releases. 🟡 Refactored and Exported Native & WASM Functionalities 🟡 The abstraction layer now determines whether we're running in WASM and correctly carries out the requested I/O in Node.js 🟡 Preparation For Curve Migration 🟡 We’ve added chain_key and packet_key keystores in HOPRd as part of an upcoming curve migration. This will help introduce new functionalities and improve performance time. 🟡 Notable Big Fixes 🟡 We fixed: 1️⃣ Database interactions in HOPR-Core, solving a few pesky long-term bugs 2️⃣ Environment variables in Bratislava, which fixed the use of Grafana with our latest codebase and several small temporary issues 🟡 Use Of Default GitHub Runner 🟡 Finally, we switched some tasks back to using the default Github actions runner, an improvement to CI, which ensures the larger runner is not depleted too fast.