Introducing the new HOPR troubleshooting wizard. The new first stop on all HOPR node troubleshooting journeys: forms.

16 Jan 2023, 16:00
Introducing the new HOPR troubleshooting wizard! 🧙 The new first stop on all HOPR node troubleshooting journeys: The troubleshooting wizard is a quick self-troubleshooting guide for node-runners to refer to before contacting support. 🆘 If the issue is unresolved, the form will let you contact us with all the necessary information we need to diagnose your issue efficiently. 🧙 We created the troubleshooting wizard out of necessity as HOPR continues to scale and hit new milestones. We need a central point of contact for our node-runners so that we can resolve issues with as little back and forth as possible. 1️⃣ Node runners should consult this wizard first before contacting Ambassadors / the team on TG. 2️⃣ Go through all the self-troubleshooting steps first. 3️⃣ Once exhausted, use the wizard to contact us with all the required information. This is quite a simple but very useful tool and will be followed by more advanced materials for node analysis in the coming weeks. But we’ll talk more about those in the coming days. For now, if you are a node runner, we would love for you to test out the form and give any feedback you might have. 💬 We appreciate and value every bit of input! 💛