GM community. Here's a tl. dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week.

10 Jul 2023, 12:14
GM community! Here’s a tl;dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week! 👇 🟡 We looked at what we have to trade off to achieve true privacy. Spoiler alert: HOPR will let you choose the correct balance. 🟡 Who here knows what cover traffic is? How it works? And why HOPR needs it? 🟡 Our cover traffic team (👀) is conducting a lot of research into one question: Can we measure the privacy needs of individual nodes or parts of the network? 🟡 Everyone has a price. We’re proud to be part of the movement to turn black hat into white hat hackers! 🟡 Why are we building RPCh? 1️⃣ Stealth addresses are great BUT incomplete without transport-layer privacy. 2️⃣ We have to say NO to more centralized servers. 3️⃣ We can’t accept that users are stuck simply having to trust intermediaries. 4️⃣ There’s a lack of privacy in web3 infrastructure and in using web3 services. RPCh can not only protect the privacy of users, it also reduces the regulatory risks for custody providers.