GM community. Here's a tl. dr of what HOPR has been up to last week. While the HOPR DAO v0.

21 Aug 2023, 12:00
GM community! Here’s a tl;dr of what HOPR has been up to last week! While the HOPR DAO v0.8 experiment is proceeding at full steam, our Devs are busy buidling. 🟡 We held a Twitter Spaces to discuss the evolution of HOPR's governance setup and the changes that are currently being proposed in the ongoing HOPR DAO v0.8 experiment 🟡 Head to the forum to participate in the HOPR DAO v0.8 experiment 🟡 In a complex ecosystem like Ethereum, one tiny oversight can lead to massive repercussions! 🟡 Join Ben (our data scientist) in Milano 🇮🇹