GM community. Here's a tl. dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week. The seventh HOPR DAO experiment took place.

15 May 2023, 12:02
GM community! Here’s a tl;dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week! 👇 🟡 The seventh HOPR DAO experiment took place! We discussed the proposal… and then HOPR DAO voted. 🗳️ We’ll soon present the results! 📊 🟡 There has been significant progress on the bug bounty. 🐞 🟡 RPCh gave another DevUpdate… and deep dived on a pretty cool new feature 🔥 🟡 As you all know we shipped a new release. Tech team is fixing the Avado issues as we speak! 🤝 🟡 Last but not lease, we can’t wait to share this with you today! 🤩