GM community. Did someone say next major release. Here's a tl. dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week.

17 Jul 2023, 12:02
GM community! Did someone say next major release? Here’s a tl;dr of what HOPR and RPCh have been up to last week! 👇 🟡 Should you own your data? 🟡 83% of people globally agree that data privacy is important to them… 🟡 …but there are three major data privacy concerns 🟡 You might want to look into how you can take your funds completely offline 🟡 Payments are due for web3 🟡 A deep-dive on privacy & @graphprotocol with our @SCBuergel 🟡 We’re closing in on our next major release, here’s a sneak peak, more to be seen exclusively here on TG within the next week!