Dear community,. What a great start of a week. Today we are giving out additional 5 slots.

21 Nov 2022, 16:01
Dear community, What a great start of a week! Today we are giving out additional 5 slots 🎉 NFTs and funding have already been sent to the next five staking addresses on the waitlist ( 0x27643f4e2b35a18bcd55252e88f13039f4f81927 0xff79ad62d19066e43b99eed19f94e11b0e0b5688 0x219d4eb4b62972862a6b38d130427aa92eae1a69 0xe729e82c62ba98ee226dbf680803cfb4189dbe30 0xa810c5e03af66dd15fa647e206faa0d4fff74856 You have 48h to spin up your nodes. After that, inactive slots will be given to the next people on the waitlist. ⏰ We'll start measuring your node's uptime as of 2022-11-23 12:00 AM! If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask here or on our dedicated Monte Rosa channel on Discord ( Please DM me your Discord username and registered HOPR staking address to get access so we can include you!