Dear community,. We have successfully fixed a provider issue.

04 Nov 2022, 15:00
Dear community, We have successfully fixed a provider issue! NFTs and funding have already been sent to the next five staking addresses on the waitlist ( 0x9a1e402d39cb2d49cf23e6767c6458126ea24631 0x18376a0e6f2975013d2866407ea4f4e2ff01b510 0x70e7f221951441b5fbb5b633927790be4528ac08 0x2b7d141a63ebab9ee78dfb312874859933033895 0x0494f503912c101bfd76b88e4f5d8a33de284d1a You have 48h to spin up your nodes. After that inactive slots will be given to the next people on the waitlist. We'll start measuring your node's uptime as of 2022-11-06 12:00AM! If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask here or on our dedicated Monte Rosa channel on Discord ( To get access please DM me your Discord username and registered HOPR staking address, so we can include you! You can also start from here: