Dear community,. Today we are giving out new 5 slots.

23 Nov 2022, 13:00
Dear community, Today we are giving out new 5 slots 🎉 NFTs and funding have already been sent to the next five staking addresses on the waitlist ( 0xc96b54890f172986f8edc7aec6e8c09a53760526 0xa1bc9f613297fe6201da0ffe5bf7f086a51cc365 0xb5ebf7fac6f40583261758a7347e8eaa41935524 0x9254dc142566bbdefa0d44411d67cc47d3ce41bf 0x8d79069a3642d044330f065e2688639c226c2289 You have 48h to spin up your nodes. After that, inactive slots will be given to the next people on the waitlist. ⏰ We'll start measuring your node's uptime as of 2022-11-25 12:00 AM! If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask here or on our dedicated Monte Rosa channel on Discord ( Please DM me your Discord username and registered HOPR staking address to get access so we can include you!