Dear community,.

31 May 2023, 12:00
Dear community, We’ve had some feedback about the recent DAO rewards and wanted to give a bit more information from our governance designer. The main determinant of NFT rank is the discussion phase. If you only vote you can’t get more than bronze. If you participate in discussion but don’t vote, it (generally) drops you down one rank. Moderating the discussion isn’t an exact science, and we don’t publish the precise moderation processes to avoid people trying to game the system, but in general: ➡️ Posts are ranked for their contribution ➡️ Posts which are off topic, or which don’t contribute beyond generic support, are ignored ➡️ Posts from HOPR team members or proposal creators are also ignored ➡️ The diamond rank is determined manually: there are a limited number of diamonds available and these are allocated to the participants who provided the most valuable contribution in the eyes of the moderator ➡️ There is no penalty for disagreement, being negative or going against consensus, as long as its constructive ➡️ New for this experiment, there was a notable use of AI tools such as ChatGPT. There’s no penalty for this, as long as the output is constructive. I appreciate being told that AI tools have been used, but this isn’t required. I did mark several posts to be ignored which were obviously AI-assisted, but they were ignored because they added nothing to the discussion. If you think you received the wrong rank, I’m happy to review your contribution, provided you first check two things: ➡️ Check you uploaded your voting address to the forum in the NFT field? These addresses are gathered automatically and some are missing. ➡️ Look back over your posts and ask yourself: did this really further the discussion? Finally, the percentages of the NFTs are determined based on the budget for the staking season and data about historic NFT ownership and usage. Thanks again to everyone who participated and made the discussion so positive and constructive. Even where posts were ignored for the purpose of rewards, we never have any trolling, outright spam or bad negativity. I never have to delete posts. This is rare in crypto and the Internet in general and we’re extremely grateful 🙏